Author Archive: Jimerson

7 Ways to Garden and Get Paid – Justin Rohner

    [ratingwidget]     Great Big Ideas & Takeaways: The top 7 ways you can garden—and get paid! How to strategically add multiple streams of income to your property. Investing in agriscaping: how it can pay off. Tips for…
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Garden Geeks Grow More! – Stacey Murphy

  [ratingwidget]     Great Big Ideas & Takeaways: How Stacey produces 50lbs of food per week—in only 500 sq. ft. Maintaining a 500 sq ft. garden in 2 hours per week. Fun science experiments to get the most out…
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Home Chicken Processing – Patricia Foreman

  [ratingwidget]     Great Big Ideas & Takeaways: Processing your own birds is a lost art in our culture. It’s time to bring back this old tradition and combine it with new techniques. So that poultry processing once again…
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10X More Efficient Heat… Anywhere! – Paul Wheaton

    [ratingwidget]     Great Big Ideas & Takeaways: Heating homes with wood has been done for thousands of years, but there’s no denying the environmental impact of this practice. Unfortunately, all of those fires burning through the winter…
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