Welcome to Day #7 of the Homesteading Summit!

Sunday, November 6th

It’s the LAST DAY of the Summit… Day #7!

But never fear, we have another outstanding lineup of speakers for you today.

(Plus, don’t forget to join us on Monday & Tuesday for ENCORE DAYS!)

Click any of the speaker links below to start watching! Today’s speakers include:


Justin Rohner
7 Ways to Garden and Get Paid


Brad Lancaster
Working With Natural Systems To Grow Abundance


Marjory Wildcraft
What It’s Like To Attend A Primitive Skills Gathering


Jeanette Beranger
How to Build a Better Chicken


Jacqueline Freeman
Start a Revolution with Sustainable Beekeeping


Justin Rhodes
Predator ID: Who Killed Your Chicken?

Don’t Forget… You Have 24 Hours to Watch These Interviews FREE.
Then Your Access EXPIRES, And We Release NEW Daily Videos at 9 a.m. EST tomorrow.


  justin_rohner_photo7 Ways to Garden and Get Paid

Justin Rohner

  • The top 7 ways you can garden—and get paid!
  • How to strategically add multiple streams of income to your property.
  • Investing in agriscaping: how it can pay off.
  • The 3 trends pushing up the value of backyard food production.

About The Speaker: Justin Rohner, founder of Agriscaping Technologies, has been helping people around the world grow their own healthy, fresh foods at home for more than 25 years. He is a passionate educator, artist, and entrepreneur committed to sharing his sustainable gardening secrets with the world.

Click Here To Watch Now

  bradlancasterWorking With Natural Systems To Grow Abundance

Brad Lancaster

  • How to harvest rainwater from the streets!
  • Foods you can safely grow and eat from street run-off.
  • The 3 elevation zones that you need to harvest water.

About The Speaker: Brad Lancaster is the author of the award-winning book series, Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond, and he’s the co-founder of DesertHarvesters.org. His goal is to empower people to change their neighborhoods by harvesting free, on-site resources.

Click Here To Watch Now


marjory-circleWhat It’s Like To Attend A Primitive Skills Gathering

Marjory Wildcraft

  • See what it’s like to step back in time, slow down, and learn primitive arts and ancestral skills.
  • Photos of a variety of primitive skills classes with commentary, including flint knapping, weaving, hiding tanning, holistic medicine, bow making, fire building, shelter making, and much more.
  • How to find a primitive skills gathering that suits your interests.

About The Speaker: Marjory Wildcraft is the founder of The Grow Network, an organization dedicated to teaching everyone how to simply and easily grow, prepare, and preserve their own food and medicine. She’s best-known for her video series “Grow Your Own Groceries,” which has over 500,000 copies in use by homesteaders, foodies, preppers, universities, missionary organizations, and more.

Click Here To Watch Now


jeannette-berangerHow to Build a Better Chicken

Jeanette Beranger

  • The #1 most important habit you need to succeed at chicken breeding.
  • How to determine the egg-laying capacity of a hen!
  • Secrets to breeding a large flock… with a SMALL amount of land.

About The Speaker: Jeannette Beranger is the Senior Program Manager for The Livestock Conservancy and has 30+ years’ experience working as an animal professional, using her knowledge to plan and implement breed conservation programs across the country.

Click Here To Watch Now

jacqueline-circle Start a Revolution with Sustainable Beekeeping

Jacqueline Freeman

  • Where to find strong, naturally-raised bees.
  • Differences between wild bees and “packaged bees.”
  • Replacing queens is unnecessary 99% of time. Let the colony do it!
  • Prepping so you’re ready to catch a swarm in spring.

About The Speaker: Jacqueline Freeman is a natural bee educator and author of “Song of Increase: Listening to the Wisdom of Honeybees for Kinder Beekeeping and a Better World” – a book so popular that it’s now being translated into other languages. Susan is also the bee blogger for Mother Earth News.

Click Here To Watch Now

justin_rhodes_headshotPredator ID: Who Killed Your Chicken?

Justin Rhodes

  • How to keep your chickens safe from predators—so you can sleep at night!
  • The 2 chicken predators you need to worry about THE MOST!
  • Discover 12 ideas to keep your flock safe 100% of the time.

About The Speaker: Justin Rhodes is a daily YouTuber and founder of Abundant Permaculture, where he teaches and inspires folks to grow more of their own food in a natural, yet productive way. He’s enjoyed many years of practicing permaculture methods on his 75-acre family farm near Asheville, NC.

Click Here To Watch Now


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